Zolex Hand Cleaner – The Best Cleaning Product in the Market

There are several products that claim to be great hand cleaners, but few of them really deliver. You may have tried half a dozen brands, only to be disappointed. However, we here at Zolex have been able to create a high quality hand cleaner that really does work. If you're tired of products that just don't deliver, it's time you learned about the various uses and benefits of Zolex – Hand Cleaner.
Uses Zolex Hand Cleaner is made without harsh chemicals and solvents that typically dry your skin and leave a nasty chemical smell. Instead, Zolex is a water-based hand cleaner.
After wetting your hand with water and applying a small amount of cleaner, the foaming action goes to work to remove grime and dirt. The combination of exfoliating particles, detergents and warm water work together to remove the toughest stains and ground-in dirt.
Best of all, this specially formulated hand cleaner works quickly to remove substances and leaves no residues or odors on your hands after washing. In addition, it won't irritate scrapes or open cuts. Zolex works to remove a variety of substances including:
- Diesel fuel
- Gasoline
- Oil
- Varnish
- Adhesives
- Tar
- Ink
- Paint
- Grime
- Grease
- Dirt
- Fish Smells
Who Uses Zolex Everyone can benefit from this tough grime-fighting product. It's ideal for personal use and industrial uses as well. Every day, automotive mechanics, farmers, miners, printers, railroad employees, and marine and airline mechanics reach for the cleaning power of Zolex Hand Cleaner. Because they know, it will easily remove the nastiest of grime leaving their hands clean and fresh. Homeowners, wives, husbands and kids know they can count on their favorite cleaner to remove residue and stains after digging in the garden, changing the oil in the car or staining their favorite table.
Benefits Besides being an exceptionally strong cleaner, Zolex - Hand Cleaner offers a number or great benefits. It's economical, fights odors and leaves a clean fragrance. The cleaner has a neutral PH and rinses off clean. You'll also enjoy the exceptionally long shelf life, and the concentrated formula means you'll get more for your money because it takes just a small amount to clean the dirtiest of hands. The product doesn't contain any pumice that can be irritating and harmful to skin in addition to clogging drains. Even though Zolex is a strong cleaner, it will never harm, crack or dry your nails or skin.
Safety One of the marvelous features of Zolex - Hand Cleaner is that it is non-hazardous and non-toxic. You can feel safe when using this product and don't have to worry that it's leaving behind dangerous solvents on your hands or down your sink drains. It doesn't contain any petroleum, solvents or lanolin. In fact, it won't clog your drains, and it actually helps to clean your kitchen and bath drains as you rinse your hands in the sink.
History Zolex was founded in 2012 by James Brancazio, and it's headquartered in Long Island, New York. James works with Jeff Cohen, his partner, to make and distribute Zolex Hand Cleaner products. Essentially, the business started because James was running a concrete pumping company and was a hard working diesel mechanic. He became tired of cracked hands and the smell of diesel fuel. So, after much experimentation, he finally came up with Zolex Hand Cleaner. If you're tired of other cleaning products that just don't deliver and your job or hobbies frequently get you involved with messy, hard to remove stains and grease, try Zolex Hand Cleaner. James and Jeffrey are so confident that their product is the best onin the market; they're willing to send you a free sample to prove it.